Wednesday, January 13, 2010

God is Great

God is great! I intentionally don't watch the news or read the paper. I have found that the truly important news gets out without looking for it. Today is one of those examples. Haiti was rocked by an earthquake. Knowing just the little that I do about that country and their building standards, there will be a substantial loss of life. Pray for these people, and keep them in your prayers in the coming weeks. Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me a sinner. Lord have mercy on the suffering Haitian people.

People are Crazy

My friend Barry quoted a movie the other day in reference to me, "Thats what I love about your Wyatt, you can talk yourself into anything!" I think it is from Tombstone. It is the absolute truth! I am a very rational thinker and always have been. My job is to be a problem solver. The problem comes in when heart or the head wants something that isn't good for us, and I start rationalizing the position I want. I am proud to say I am as Crazy as everone. I am happy today because I know it. The moral of the story: Pray, Pray, and then Pray some more before any big decisions. It is probably the only reason I'm not in a strait jacket and merely a functioning alcoholic.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Be mindful of your medication

I am taking pain killers and muscle relaxers for a recent back injury. I find that it opens my mind up to thoughts of lust, anger and meloncoly. My back may feel better, but I feel farther away from God for it. I regret that I did not use this week to become closer to my fellow man and God, but instead spent too much time in the concerns of this world.
Bless Fr. John for handing me The Monk of Mount Athos concerning Saint Silouan's life on Mount Athos. Teachings on Freedom (p 65) "He used few words in his prayer to the omniscient God and did not amplify his thought. 'Men seek their own freedom,' that is to say, freedom outside God, ouside true life, in 'outer darkness', where there is and can be no freedom, for freedom can only exist where ther is no death, where there is authentic eternal existence - that is, in God"

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Mar Saba

I have had the misfortune of living well into my adult years without knowing the Orthodox Church and the relationship with Christ, Virgin Marry, and the Saints that is to be found there. I do have the fortune of having an uncle that introduced me to the Church (who is an avid blogger ) and agreed to let me tag along on his trip to the Middle East. If you had asked me who or what is associated with Mar Saba in May of 2008, you would have received a blank stare. I would encourage anyone to read this short description of one of the most blessed places on earth to me.

My mantra is whenever possible be brief! I simply want to say that when I walked into the main hall I was touched and humbled by God. How blessed are these monks to live a simple life in worship of our Lord. Seeing those that give so much, makes my effort seem as nothing at all.